Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Technology and the Communication Process Research Paper

Technology and the Communication Process - Research Paper Example To gather information and review theories regarding communication processes, different academic websites, journals and books have been utilized to support arguments. How Communication Processes are influenced by the Use of Technology World has transformed into a global village, thanks to the arrival of a number of technological developments. These technological developments has enabled person sitting at one corner of the world to communicate with another person sitting at the opposite corner of the world. All of this is possible just because of gadgets, computers, internet and efforts to close the gap between people living on earth. It can be argued that in today’s era, all communication processes are based on technology, with the exception of face to face communication or speech based communication. From the beginning of the human race on earth, human has strived to develop methods and technologies that help them to keep a record of their imagination and thought processes. Fi rst, we used to have stone tablets which were replaced with the advent of the printing press and then with the emergence of computers. Thus, the communication processes adopted by the human race has been changed from time to time (Cuel & Ferrario, 2007). Before going into further detail, it is important to understand the communication process. ... The second step was the message which was named as intended message design which clarified the audience that it actually includes the purpose, language and priorities included as content in the message. The third step in Shannon and Weaver’s communication model was channel which was named as a medium of communication by Berlo. The last and fourth step was receiving of message at the receiver’s end which heavily depends upon the perception of the receiver. Here, the impact of technology on communication processes would be discussed with respect to an individual’s personal and professional life. First of all it need to be understood that communication carried out with the use of technology is referred to as mediated communication. If you are using a cell phone to send a message, it is mediated communication. If you are sending an email to communicate, it is mediated communication. Even if you are delivering your intended message through television to mass audiences , it is also called mediated communication. In our personal lives, we get engaged in communication processes for almost 18 hours of the day. If it was the 18th century, then a person who is engaged for 18 hours in communicating with people would go mad due to lack of facilitating gadgets available (Tomei, 2007). Imagine women of 18th century sitting in Europe wanted to send her beloved husband her picture to ease of his nerves during the tiring war that he is engaged in Caribbean. It would take a month or a couple of months for the picture to reach at desired destination as it will be carried through sea-route. At that time, people used sketches to make such communications and write a number of pages to express their feelings. Then came the

Saturday, February 8, 2020

History of Drug-Prohibition Laws in the USA Essay

History of Drug-Prohibition Laws in the USA - Essay Example Initially, this measure was a colossal victory. However, it eventually turned out to be a complete failure as its negative effects started to show up over the years. Finally, 21st Amendment was made to remove the prohibition. History of Drug-Prohibition Laws in the USA Drugs and alcohol have been prohibited at different points in time in the history of the USA. Availability of alcohol was first limited in the USA in Massachusetts during the 1830’s. During those years, Indians were forbidden the purchase of alcohol in the USA. 13 states of the USA enforced laws prohibiting alcohol from 1851 to 1855. Tea Importation Act of 1897 was the first law of consumer protection. There occurred a revolutionary change in the history of drug prohibition laws with the start of the 20th century. Till then, there were no Federal laws to control the distribution of drugs in the USA. People had easy access to drugs and alcohol. Food and Drug Act of 1906, Hague Conventions of 1912, and the Harriso n Tax Act of 1914 were important measures taken in the start of the 20th century to regulate the supply of drugs in the USA. The Volstead Act or 18th Amendment was ratified in the 1920’s. It was particularly implemented on 16 January 1921. implemented on 16 January 1921.   Concluding, the 18th Amendment enacted in 1921 that prohibited the supply of alcoholic beverages in the USA survived only till 1933. In these 13 years, the public opinion evolved from supporting the prohibition to criticizing the legislation of morals. An in-depth analysis of the consequences of prohibition suggests that the 18th Amendment was a complete failure.