Saturday, December 28, 2019

Essay about Censorship of the Internet - 2821 Words

Censorship of the Internet The Internet offers a huge wealth of information, both good and bad. The Internet began as a small university network in the United States and since then has blossomed into one of the biggest if not the biggest telecommunications network covering the entire world. It can be considered as one of the most valuable types of technology. During the past several years we have come to become more and more dependent on the Internet and in particular moving huge chunks of data across large distances. The Internet allows people to communicate with each other across the world within mere fractions of seconds with the help of E-mail. The Internet also allows for expressing opinions and obtaining up-to-date information†¦show more content†¦Birth of the Internet During the Cold War era, the American military started developing ideas as to how it would protect itself from an attack where communications would not go down even if the center of the network would be attacked. So the solution was that their network would have no central authority. They began developing the idea of nodes in different locations making up a huge network where they would all have equal status, each one having its own authority to originate, pass and receive messages. The messages itself would be broken down into smaller units or packets, each of these separately addressed. Each packet would begin at some source node and end at some other destination node. But the most important aspect of this network was that it didn’t matter what route each of these packets took as long as they reached their final destination. So this solved the problem that even if huge parts of the network were destroyed the message would still reach the destination taking a different route. This system seemed to be very efficient as compared to the phone system. In I969 the first such node was installed in UCLA and by December 1969 there were four nodes on the network. This network was called ARPANET, after its Pentagon sponsor. This network grew and scientists and researchers started sharing each others computers facilities over long distances. Eventually, ARPANET made this computer sharing network into a dedicated, high-speed, federally subsidizedShow MoreRelatedCensorship And Censorship Of The Internet985 Words   |  4 Pagesissue of Censorship of the Internet in America has become a trending topic. The internet has been commonly censored to comply with the Digital Millennium Rights Act, but in recent times our government has been requesting more aggressive censorship in order to provide a safer cyberspace. If the American government began to censor the internet, the restriction will result in suppression of freedom of the press, hindering freedom of speech, and reduce the plethora of information on the internet. If AmericaRead MoreCensorship And Censorship Of The Internet1754 Words   |  8 PagesCensorship of the Internet is on the rise in highly populated states today. Although the Internet is considered as one of the most significant tools for the public sphere, many users have decried the Internet’s benefits and seen the Internet as a ‘double-edged sword’. Even as the Internet connects most of the world and gives valuable access to information, the same tool allows access to material that may be considered dangerous or harmful. The recent increase in discussion on the act of censorshipRead MoreThe Censorship Of Internet Censorship3057 Words   |  13 Pages Internet Censorship Student’s Name: Institution Name: Internet Censorship Internet censorship refers to the suppression and control of what people can access, publish, or view on the cyberspace (Reynolds, 2014). It may be done by regimes or private firms at the command of the government. It can be a government’s initiative is or carried out by regulators. Organizations and individuals may practice self-censorship for religious, business or moral reasons to comply with societal normsRead MoreInternet Censorship And The Internet941 Words   |  4 Pages More than two decades ago, the Internet was yet to be ubiquitous in the homes of the general public around the world. Today, global users of the Internet has surpassed the 3 billion mark, or approximately 45% of the world population, a trend that is not likely to slow down anytime soon (World Internet Users Statistics and 2015 World Population Stats, 2014). The idealistic vision of self-governance of the Internet has proved to be insufficient and threats to the Internet’s core principles areRe ad MoreThe Internet and Censorship940 Words   |  4 PagesThe internet is a diverse pool of information that anyone nowadays can have access to. One of the more controversial topics that involves the internet, is the censorship of the internet. Internet censorship can be defined as the control or suppression of what can be accessed, published or viewed on the internet. It’s been hot topic in recent years because many government organizations have been trying to pass many reforms to help push the censorship of the internet, either directly or indirectlyRead MoreInternet Censorship1799 Words   |  8 PagesTechnologies Used In Internet Censorship and Control Murdoch (2013) opines the Internet as an entity where control is always fought over for by those that use it. He further demystifies the internet, breaking it down to the two protocols that define it. These are the transmission control protocol – TCP- and the Internet Protocol –Ip. It is these protocols that enable the connection of two separate networks to each other. The protocols enable the easy connection of separate networks, without theRead MoreThe Importance Of Internet Censorship1378 Words   |  6 PagesInternet Censorship The Internet has become a growing source of entertainment and information over the past years. As more and more people become familiar with the Internet, the potential of its contents grows rapidly, at an uncontrollable rate. With something such as the Internet, which contains virtually an infinite amount of space, more is being added than taken away. Therefore with the growing amount of users, the content grows as well. Different people use the Internet for different things withRead MoreCensorship on the Internet Essay908 Words   |  4 PagesCensorship on the Internet Five years after the first world wide web was launched at the end of 1991, The Internet has become very popular in the United States. Although President Clinton already signed the 1996 Telecommunication ActI on Thursday Feb 8, 1996, the censorship issue on the net still remains unresolved. In fact, censorship in cyberspace is unconscionable and impossible. Trying to censor the Internet its problematic because the net is an international issue, there is no standard forRead MoreInternet Censorship Essay1329 Words   |  6 PagesInternet Censorship Used Around The World Some people wonder who came up with the idea of internet censorship. Other people want to know which countries use it. Some ponder over the idea of what really is internet censorship. Internet censorship is controlling what can be viewed, and which sites can be used on the internet. Some things about internet censorship are countries that use it, and who started the idea of it. There are lots of countries that use internet censorship. A few of them are ChinaRead MoreInternet Censorship Essay886 Words   |  4 PagesInternet Censorship Presently, it seems that the Internet is playing a very important role in everyones daily life. This multipurpose network has many different functions useful for everyday work and entertainment. Due to the freedom of the Internet various debates and protests have come to disagree with its open form of communication. Because of the misuse of the internet many people believe that there should be some kind of internet censorship, while others are against internet censorship

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Fall Of The Roman Empire - 1440 Words

Sophie Loren Plays a Leading Role in the Fall of the Roman Empire? The reason for the fall of the Roman Empire is a controversial topic under much historical debate. How did such a great empire, known for being one of the largest that lasted over a millennium, fall? The Roman Empire transitioned from a republic to an empire in 31 BCE. Augustus Caesar was the first emperor. He created harmony in Rome, but not in calendars as he added August as the eighth month to follow July, which was named after Julius Caesar. Apparently, being the first emperor of the powerful Roman Empire was not enough. Many things were not enough for the Romans. It was their strive for power and land that they were able to build up their legendary empire, but it would also be one of their greatest downfalls. The Roman Empire was at its acme in 117 CE. It stretched from the Atlantic Ocean to the Euphrates River in the Middle East, but like the stock market, it crashed or fell. The empire would grow too vast to be ruled by solely the central government of Rome, so in 285 CE Emperor Diocletian divided the empire into a Western and an Eastern Empire. Each empire would have its own leaders. When speaking of the Fall of Rome, many only account the Western Empire. Some historians believe that this split alone was what caused Rome to fall. However, others believe that there are multiple factors that caused the fall of the Roman Empire. In fact, most classicists, those who study ancient Greek and Latin,Show MoreRelatedFall of the Roman Empire1288 Words   |  6 PagesThe Pax Romana was a two hundred year time period where the Romans had peace and prosperity under Augustus. The Roman empire started to decline at the end of the prevail of the last five emperors, Marcus Aurelius in 161-180 A.D. The rulers in the next century had no idea how to deal with the problems the empire was having. There was many reasons to the fall of the Roman Empire but three stood out the most. The preliminary reason was the economy begins to decline. The alternative reasoning was RomeRead MoreThe Fall Of The Roman Empire1537 Words   |  7 PagesAncient Rome was an empire so dominant, wealthy and economically- stable which came to a dramatic fall in the period of 250AD- 500AD. Ancient Rome faced unexplained unfortunate events which crumbled the Great Empire from the affluent empire to a impoverished society. For centuries historians have timelessly theorised and analysed many debates and research in relation to the Fall of the Roman Empire. What really caused the predominate Roman Empire to fall? Did Rome fall naturally? Was disease, suchRead MoreFall of the Roman Empire758 Words   |  4 PagesTaylor Davino Professor Horsley HIS 126 3 March 2010 The fall of the Roman Empire Political, economic and social aspects were all involved in the fall of the Roman Empire. In 395 A.D., Rome was divided into two empires, with one capital in Rome and the other in Constantinople. During that time, the western Roman Empire was being invaded by barbarian tribes from the North. In 410, the Visigoth tribe succeeded in conquering the western capital in Rome. In 476, the western EmperorRead MoreThe Fall Of The Roman Empire1419 Words   |  6 PagesThe Roman Empire was a powerful governing body of extensive political and social structures throughout western civilization. How did this empire fall and were internal factories responsible? Slow occurrences in succession to one another led to the fall of the empire rather than one single event. The fall of the Roman Empire was a combination of both internal and external pressures, not just one, leading up to the complete decay of the cities—Rome and Constantinople. However, one could argue how oneRead MoreThe Fall Of Ro man Empire1185 Words   |  5 PagesThe Fall of Roman Empire Roman Empire was considered as one of the most influential and dominant Empire in the history that has ever existed. â€Å"The Roman Empire at its zenith in the period of the Principate (roughly, 27 BC to AD 235) covered vast tracts of three continents, Europe, Africa, and Asia† (Garnsey). It was an ancient, modern Empire, and it supported anyone who made discoveries and technological improvements. The Empire was the strongest governing body in the Mediterranean. If the RomanRead MoreFall of Roman Empire1175 Words   |  5 PagesThe Fall of the Roman Empire The Ancient Roman empire was one of the most prominent and successful societies of its time period. By the end of their reign, the Romans had conquered almost all of the Mediterranean including parts of present day Europe, Asia, and Africa. Rome was at its strongest during the rule of Augustus Caesar, this time was known as the â€Å"Pax Romana† or Roman peace. It wasn’t until later, when Emperor Trajan took over in about 98 C.E. that the Empire reached its peak. AfterRead MoreThe Fall of the Roman Empire609 Words   |  3 PagesThe Fall of the Roman Empire There are adherents to single factors, but more people think Rome fell because of a combination of such factors as Christianity, and economy, and military problems. Even the rise of Islam is proposed as the reason for Romes fall, by some who think the Fall of Rome happened at Constantinople in the 15th Century. Most people think it occurred during the fifth century, after the western division of the empire. There were several reasons for the fall of the Roman EmpireRead MoreThe Fall Of The Roman Empire1438 Words   |  6 PagesThe Roman Empire was one of the most powerful empires in the history of mankind. In 476 CE Odoacer defeated Romulus Augustus to capture Rome; most historians agree that this was the official end of the Western Roman Empire. There is much debate on how exactly Rome declined and eventually fell. The fall of Rome was a long process that took place over many centuries. There are five main schools of thought on why Rome fell. First, Christianity, offered by Edward Gibbons; He suggests that ChristianityRead MoreThe Fall Of The Roman Empire1495 Words   |  6 PagesFor a long period of time, the debate about the cause of the fall of the Roman Empire has been a popular topic amongst historians. Most of these historians look at the issue from a standpoint that accepts that there were most likely several causes. The main root of the issue is whether or not these causes were internal or external. Some historians even go more in depth and try to hypothesize what the internal or external causes were. In fact, Adrian Goldsworthy and Peter Heather do just this whenRead MoreThe Fall Of The Roman Empire1430 Words   |  6 Pages While the fall of the Roman Empire is well known, the exact causes of why it fell can be difficult to pinpoint. Many historians believe that Rome s downfall was due to poor leadership, weakened economics, or perhaps a combination of the two along with other seemingly unrelated factors. However, there is a string of evidence suggesting that there were three main components that took place to bring about the fall of the Roman Empire. These determinant attributes did not happen all at once, and there

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Immune Responses to Influenza Virus Infection †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Immune Responses to Influenza Virus Infection. Answer: Introduction: Jim was last one day ago and on admission, an initial assessment is done. Preliminary diagnosis prior to admission indicates Influenza. On a problem-based focus, the key assessments to be undertaken are on the unproductive airway clearance, an ineffective breathing pattern and hyperthermia. The airway clearance is ineffective, on inspection it is evident that there is copious nasal discharge and inflammation of the tonsils. Assessment of rhinorrhoea and tonsillar inflammation serves to ensure a proper respiratory mechanism. The patency of the airway in the case is important. A backflow of the nasal discharge could cause fluid aspiration into the lungs causing aspiration pneumonia. The unchecked tonsillar inflammation can result in asphyxia. Assessment of the pattern of breathing is crucial on admission. His airways should be inspected, the chest palpated, inspected then auscultation done to rule on the previous indication of bilateral wheezing. Adequate objective data to this account provide the on the necessities admission especially on the oxygen administration. In spite having good air entry, there is a possibility of pulmonary oedema and reduced oxygen perfusion. The initial oxygen saturation is at 94% of recommended (90-100%). Ineffective scrutiny of this vital could end up in shortness of breath and eventually culminate in respiratory distress and eventually an airway shutdown. Temperature is a crucial assessment focus. It is previously shown that the patient had hyperthermia with a body temperature of 38.3C .This is an evidence of fever and validated by the pulse rate of 105 bpm. There is also increased sweating. Assessment of temperature is necessary to ensure that appropriate measures are taken on admission including fluid and electrolyte replacement and ensure there is adequate hydration. Unmonitored hypothermia can cause accelerated reduction in the metabolism and reduction in the level of consciousness (Yagil, R., Etzion, Z., Oren, A. (1983)). There is also a possibility of an increased cardiac output, heart rate and eventually risk of a myocardial infarction. Note: Dot points recommended in care plan. Click and type in each cell, click enter in a cell to make it longer. Do not remove text from the template. A reminder that all rationales must be referenced Nursing problem: Risk of spread of infection Underlying cause or reason: Influenza is a highly contagious virus spread via airborne droplets and direct contact. Immunocompromised patients in the hospital setting are at higher risk of contracting disease resulting in adverse events. Goal of care Nursing interventions/actions Rationale Indicators your plan is working To prevent and control the spread of influenza within the healthcare facility and the community. Isolate the client in a room with monitored negative air pressure, with the room door closed, and the client remaining in the room. Always wear appropriate respiratory protection when you enter the client room. Limit the movement and transport of the client from the room to essential purposes only. If need be the patient to be on mask during transport. Limit the number of relatives and visitors coming to see Jim and also protect those allowed from getting the infection by giving them protective masks and gowns before entering Jims room. Practice proper hand washing before and after giving care to the client, also after being in contact with the patient environment. I will also educate Jim and his visitors on the importance of hand washing in disease prevention and when appropriate to wash hands to ensure the patient hygienic care. Observe and report signs of infection such as redness, warmth, discharge, and increased body temperature Such set of precautions are meant to prevents airborne transmission and contact transmission of the disease. (La Rosa, G., Fratini, M., Libera, S. D., Iaconelli, M., Muscillo, M. (2013). Hygienic care is important to prevent infection in at-risk clients (Gould, D. J., Moralejo, D., Drey, N., Chudleigh, J. H., Taljaard, M. (2010) The onset of infection activates the immune system and the signs of infections appear. (Iwasaki, A., Medzhitov, R. (2010).) There are no signs of infection noticed The hospital staff, patient and his visitors practice proper hand washing The patient remains isolated in a room with monitored negative air pressure. Nursing problem: Self-care deficit Underlying cause or reason: muscle pain, fatigue and general weakness of the patient limits performance of self-care activities independently. Goal of care Nursing interventions/actions Rationale Indicators your plan is working To ensure patient executes self-care activities to utmost capability. Guide the patient in accepting the need of assistance Boost maximum dependence Enhance positive reinforcements of all activities attempted and note any partial achievements Develop and apply a regular routines and ensure that the patient gets adequate time to complete task. Patient may require help in determining the safe limits of trying to be independent versus asking for assistance when necessary (Tamura-Lis, W. (2013). The goal of rehabilitation is one of achieving the highest level of independence possible The goal of rehabilitation is one of achieving the highest level of independence possible (leach, 2010) An established routine will help the client organize and carry out self-care tasks with less effort (SPENCE LASCHINGER, H. K., Gilbert, S., Smith, L. M., Leslie, K. (2010). The patent response positively and can effectively attempt to perform tasks to his capability Nursing problem: Risk of imbalanced fluid volume Underlying cause or reason: There is excessive fluid loss due to fever Goal of care Nursing interventions/actions Rationale Indicators your plan is working To demonstrate appropriate fluid balance with appropriate parameters such as moist mucous membranes, good skin turgor, stable vital signs. Assess and monitor vital signs to note for any changes; increasing temperature Assess the skin turgor, moisture of mucous membranes. Monitor fluid intake and output and chart appropriately. Administer medication as prescribed: antipyretics i.e Paracetamol 4/24 orally prn Elevated temperature and prolongedfever increases metabolic rate and fluid loss through evaporation. (Stolwijk, J. A., Hardy, J. D. (2011).) Monitoring provide information about fluid adequacy and replacement needs (lobo, 2013) To reduce fluid loss.( Thompson, H. J., Kagan, S. H. (2011) Fever reduce and the parameters of adequate body fluids is seen, that is, good skin turgor, moist mucous membranes, rapid capillary refill. Nursing problem: Ineffective airway clearance Underlying cause or reason: Tracheobronchial and nasal secretions Goal of care Nursing interventions/actions Rationale Indicators your plan is working Patient will achieve and maintain a patent airway. Assess respiratory status for rate, depth, ease, use of accessory muscles, and work of breathing Assess patient for pallor or cyanosis Changes may vary from minimal to extremes caused by bronchial swellings and other disease states that complicate the current illness (Ackley, B. J., Ladwig, G. B. (2010).) Indicators of loss of airway patency may indicate hypoxemia(Hemmelgarn, C., Gannon, K. (2013).) The patient should achieve a patient airway and maintain it Nursing problem: Ineffective breathing pattern Underlying cause or reason: inflammation from the viral infection Goal of care Nursing interventions/actions Rationale Indicators your plan is working Patient will achieve and maintain normal respiratory pattern and rate, with no adventitious breath sounds on auscultation. Carefully Monitor the respiratory rate, rhythm and character. Notify the physician any abnormal findings or changes Monitor pulse oximetry readings and notify physician if 90% Advise and encourage the patient to stay in a semi fowlers position as tolerated. Auscultate breathe sounds after every 2-4 hours and notify the physician of any changes. Changes may show early signs of respiratory compromise and insufficiency (Chien, Y. S., Su, C. P., Tsai, H. T., Huang, A. S., Lien, C. E., Hung, M. N., ... Chang, S. C. (2010).) Oximetry approximates arterialblood gas oxygen saturation, and hence helping in identifying oxygenation dysfunction and respiratory status changes. (Holley, A. D. (2014).) Semi fowlers position promote chest expansion and enhances respiratory effort. (Frownfelter, D. (2014).) Auscultation assists with identification of changes in respiratory status and presence of adventitious breath sounds or decreased breath sounds (Meredith, T., Massey, D. (2011).) The client achieves and maintain a normal breathing range (12-20 breaths per min) No adventitious breath sounds on auscultation. Medication management Jim is given a preliminary diagnosis of Influenza. The viral replication does peak before the manifestation of clinical symptoms and the efficacy of medication depends on the initiation of the medication. In this case, Jim is given oseltamivir, a neuraminidase inhibitor. It is an analogue of sialic acid and acts by interfering with the budding of the influenza virus and curbing the spread in the respiratory tract. The 75mg Bd dose is favourable due to the half-life of 6-10 hours. The dose administered should be as prescribed, given at the right intervals and dosage. The patient response well documented and assessed frequently. Oseltamivir is associated with nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. The side effects should be clearly dissociated from the presenting complaints. Paracetamol is a central acting antipyretic and analgesic that acts by weakly inhibiting COX enzymes thus eliciting anti-inflammatory actions (Sin, B; Wai, M; Tatunchak, T; Motov, 2016). The paracetamol dose is administered 6 hourly to maintain the concentration of the acetaminophen. The administration of paracetamol should be at the regular intervals and at the right dosage to minimise the lethargy caused the fever and alleviate the pain secondary to the muscular pain. Paracetamol also requires monitoring of the fever and avoid any propensity of an overdose. It is indicated in Sin et al (2016) that acetaminophen causes depletion of glutathione and hepatic damage. Dose adjustments should be made after consultion. Fluvax IM is administered in a trivalent dosage to adults. This is to avoid the risk of the complications of the flu. Inoculation of the antigen in the attenuated influenza virus stimulates the production of antibodies. The immunity to antigens expressed on the surface especially haemagluttin reduces the possibility of infection and severity of recurrent infection. The subsequent vaccinations should then be scheduled and documentation made. The vaccination may be associated with hyperthermia, malaise, and headache and may increase the sweating. In this case all the temperature has to be recorded frequently. Patient teaching Jim is a known smoker with an average smoking standard rate of 5-10 cigarettes per day. He has to understand how smoking causes hypertension and the health implications of the smoking lifestyle. The possible courses of rehabilitation and a behavioural change model made clear and he is left to make a decision. The effect of the hypertension on his response to infection should also made lucid. Smoking doubles the risk to hypertension and vascular malfunction. The vascular endothelium becomes fibrous and the arterial pressure is increased. This increased pressure results is a cumulative increase in the blood pressure and the manifestation of hypertension. Cigarette smoke has toxic compounds that increase cardiovascular inflammation, cause oxidation of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (Ambrose, J. A., Barua, R. S. (2010). Furthermore it should be clear to Jim that smoking causes the loss of life expectancy of the patient. The toxins in cigarette smoking accelerate the aging process. The effect of the toxins on the lungs should also be explained. Exposure of the lungs to the toxins increase the risk of developing throat and lung cancer respectively. The tar also causes toot discolouration and occurrences of bad breath. Moreover, smoking is a possible cause of blunted weight gain and this has to be made clear to Jim. More to this, the overall decrease in libido and increase in the predisposition to erectile dysfunction should be elaborate to depth. The benefits of living free of smoking should also be set viz-a-viz the effects of the smoking routine Initiatives towards cessation of the code should be initiated with cigarette reduction therapy. Jim has to live a healthy lifestyle. He has to stick on a good diet, with all the necessary nutrients. Undergo psychological therapy and health education. On his lifestyle he has to embrace physical exercise and change attitudes towards smoking as a recreational activity. He also has to be referred to social welfare agencies to provide care and food since he is homeless. Clinical judgement and handover The possible cause of the fever is occurrence of a bacterial infection after completion of the antiviral therapy. In many occasions, the influenza virus is transmitted together with bacteria. The initial line of treatment was focused on the virus alone but no prophylaxis was given for a bacterial infection. Multiplication of bacterial colonies result in the activation of the immune system. The adaptive and the innate immune systems are both activated. Inflammatory cytokines are released into circulation and initiate the attack to the bacteria. This immune system reaction result in the elevation of the body temperature hence the resurgence of the fever. The multiplier effect of the fever culminated in hyperventilation and increased heart rate. Jim should be given sponge baths and antipyretics as ordered. The physician should be notified of the change. Jim is a 58-year-old homeless Indigenous male of no fixed address. He presented to the Emergency Department with dyspnea, myalgia, fatigue, malaise, rhinorrhea and headache. His symptoms began approximately 3 day ago and he has tested positive for Influenza A and his influenza symptoms have decreased over the past 24 - 48 hours with continued medications. He has a past medical History of asymptomatic hypertension though he is not currently on any antihypertensive because he did not take his previous medication when prescribed. On assessment he was found to be febrile and has shortness of breath. He is allergic to chickens but has no known drug allergies. He states he used to smoke but not so much anymore as he cannot afford them however he does smoke up to 5 10 per day if he can get them. Vital signs Temperature 39.6oC Heart rate 125 beats per min Respiratory rate 24 resps per min Blood pressure 124/79 mmHg O2 saturations 86% on room air References Ackley, B. J., Ladwig, G. B. (2010).Nursing Diagnosis Handbook-E-Book: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care. Elsevier Health Sciences. Ambrose, J. A., Barua, R. S. (2010). The pathophysiology of cigarette smoking and cardiovascular disease: an update.Journal of the American college of cardiology,43(10), 1731-1737. Brown, D., Edwards, H., Seaton, L., Buckley, T. (2017).Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems. Elsevier Health Sciences Chien, Y. S., Su, C. P., Tsai, H. T., Huang, A. S., Lien, C. E., Hung, M. N., ... Chang, S. C. (2010). Predictors and outcomes of respiratory failure among hospitalized pneumonia patients with 2009 H1N1 influenza in Taiwan.Journal of infection,60(2), 168-174. Frownfelter, D. (2014). Facilitating ventilation patterns and breathing strategies.Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Physical Therapy-E-Book: Evidence to Practice, 352. Gould, D. J., Moralejo, D., Drey, N., Chudleigh, J. H., Taljaard, M. (2010). Interventions to improve hand hygiene compliance in patient care.The Cochrane Library. Hemmelgarn, C., Gannon, K. (2013). Heatstroke: clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.Compendium: Continuing Education for Veterinarians. Howatson-Jones, L., Standing, M., Roberts, S. (2015).Patient Assessment and Care Planning in Nursing. Learning Matters. Iwasaki, A., Medzhitov, R. (2010). Regulation of adaptive immunity by the innate immune,327(5963), 291-295. Kreijtz, J. H. C. M., Fouchier, R. A. M., Rimmelzwaan, G. F. (2011). Immune responses to influenza virus infection. Virus research, 162(1-2), 19-30. Kuiken, T., Riteau, B., Fouchier, R. A. M., Rimmelzwaan, G. F. (2012). Pathogenesis of influenza virus infections: the good, the bad and the ugly.Current opinion in virology,2(3), 276-286. La Rosa, G., Fratini, M., Libera, S. D., Iaconelli, M., Muscillo, M. (2013). Viral infections acquired indoors through airborne, droplet or contact transmission.Annali dell'Istituto superiore di sanita,49(2), 124-132. Leach, E., Cornwell, P., Fleming, J., Haines, T. (2010). Patient centered goal-setting in a subacute rehabilitation setting.Disability and rehabilitation,32(2), 159-172. Ling, L. M., Chow, A. L., Lye, D. C., Tan, A. S., Krishnan, P., Cui, L., ... Leo, Y. S. (2010). Effects of early oseltamivir therapy on viral shedding in 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus infection. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 50(7), 963-969 Lobo, D. N., Lewington, A. J., Allison, S. P. (2013). Basic concepts of fluid and electrolyte therapy.Bibliomed, Melsungen. Meredith, T., Massey, D. (2011). Respiratory assessment 2: More key skills to improve care.British Journal of Cardiac Nursing,6(2), 63-68. SPENCE LASCHINGER, H. K., Gilbert, S., Smith, L. M., Leslie, K. (2010). Towards a comprehensive theory of nurse/patient empowerment: applying Kanters empowerment theory to patient care.Journal of Nursing Management,18(1), 4-13.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Sdfc Essay Example For Students

Sdfc Essay The year 1866 is an important time in nautical history. It is the year that the world was first terrified by an amazing ocean going monster, the Nautilus. During that year several ships had met with this thing, a long slender object far greater in size than any creature known to man. After numerous sightings and the pass of many months the monster began attacking any vessel that drew near. This alarmed all the worlds nations and the United States decided that they would send out the Abraham Lincoln to defeat the monster, and once again bring peace to all the seas. For the expedition the best men in the oceanic fields of study were invited to join the crew for the duration of the journey. Included in this group was Monsieur Aronnax of the Paris Museum and Ned Land, a world renowned harpooner. Monsieur Aronnax had written a two-volume work called Mysteries of the Ocean Depths. His work was especially well received by scientists, making him a specialist in that field. With him he brought his trusted servant of ten years, Conseil. Besides being Monsieurs loyal servant Conseil was an extremely bright classifier. He took great joy in this and was sometimes a great help to his master when identifying different creatures. Ned had an excellent shot with his harpoon, one so good that his name was known by fisherman around the world. The frigate travels from one ocean to the next for months without a sign of the wretched creature. Then on the night of November 5 the Ned spotted a bright glow emanating from just below the waters surface. Reports stated th at at times the monster tended to glow, so the frigate took pursuit. For a day and two nights the Abraham Lincoln chased the monster through the waters of the northern Pacific. As the creature let the frigate draw near the Abraham Lincoln began firing its cannons at the monster but the would just bounce off what seemed to be a thick layer of armor. At last the monster began circling the frigate and suddenly began a rush at the side of the boat. The terrible crash tossed men to the decks and threw overboard Monsieur Aronnax and Ned Land. At the sight of his master plunging into the dark sea Conseil dove into the water to save the professor. The three men tread water for many hours until at last Ned came upon a large, hard object floating in the water. All three assumed it was the dead monster but as they climbed up on Neds discovery they found that it was not a once living creature but a large vessel produced of metal. After sitting on top for a while regaining their energy the trio was unexpectedly apprehended and brought inside the submarine. They were put into a dark room and after a good couple of hours a bright light came on and in walked two dark haired, strongly built men. Monsieur and Ned told their stories to the men in many different languages but to no avail. Both men appeared deaf and mute. Shortly after the visit from the men a large meal and fresh sets of clothing for each was brought in by another apparently deaf member of the crew. Monsieur, Ned, and Conseil were withheld in the room and cared for until one of the dark haired men from the first visit confronted them again two days later. He spoke to all three men in perfect French explaining to them their rights on board the submarine, how they would be accommodated, and who he was. He was Captain Nemo commander of the Nautilus. Ned and Conseil shared a room but the professor had his own quarters just before those of the Captain. For the next week they never saw Captain Nemo but the men fascinated themselves with other pleasures onboard. Of the other rooms on board the ship the three captives were allowed admittance to the kitchen, the library, and a large lounge. .u677948462fcb21937a63119118a0b307 , .u677948462fcb21937a63119118a0b307 .postImageUrl , .u677948462fcb21937a63119118a0b307 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u677948462fcb21937a63119118a0b307 , .u677948462fcb21937a63119118a0b307:hover , .u677948462fcb21937a63119118a0b307:visited , .u677948462fcb21937a63119118a0b307:active { border:0!important; } .u677948462fcb21937a63119118a0b307 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u677948462fcb21937a63119118a0b307 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u677948462fcb21937a63119118a0b307:active , .u677948462fcb21937a63119118a0b307:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u677948462fcb21937a63119118a0b307 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u677948462fcb21937a63119118a0b307 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u677948462fcb21937a63119118a0b307 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u677948462fcb21937a63119118a0b307 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u677948462fcb21937a63119118a0b307:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u677948462fcb21937a63119118a0b307 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u677948462fcb21937a63119118a0b307 .u677948462fcb21937a63119118a0b307-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u677948462fcb21937a63119118a0b307:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: A Revisionist perspective of the election of Thoma EssayThe lounge was more of a museum, and by far the most amazing room aboard. It contents include works from some of the most famous artists, many beautiful pieces from the sea, and a large glass window on either side of the room that open to show the splendor of all the oceans creatures in their natural state. One could spend years reading all the works in library and it too was an astonishing site. There were all sorts of works on science, morality, and literature written in every known language. On the 16th of November Monsieur, Ned and Conseil were all invited by the Captain to join him on a hunting expedition in the underwater forests of Crespo Island. Monsieur and Conseil readily agreed but Ned turned down the offer. For the journey everyone was equipped with an air gun that shot an electrocuting bullet, a dry suit, and two air tanks. Both Monsieur and Conseil were in complete awe throughout the duration of their walk. It took the group nearly 4 uneventful hours to reach the cliffs rising to land. Here they stopped and began their return to the ship. On the journey back Captain shot a sea otter and his companion skillfully brought down a great albatross. They also encountered two dangerous dogfish but the Captain led the small group to safety in the seaweed before the dreadful fish noticed them. When they got back to the submarine the recounted their adventure to Ned who became very jealous that he hadnt gone along. Two months past and during this time the three men saw little of Captain Nemo, but they kept themselves entertained with reading in the library and spending hours a day marveling at the seas beauty. The ships course carried them past New Zealand, New Caledonia and countless other islands with now problems until the submarine reach the Torres Strait. The vessel was cruising along the surface as normal until it jolted to a stop a keeled over to one side. Captain Nemo met with Monsieur and told him that the ship had run aground on an unseen reef but the high tide of the full moon would carry them off the reef within the week. Since Monsieur, Ned, and Conseil hadnt set foot on dry land since departing on the Abraham Lincoln, the trio took the opportunity to visit one of the nearby islands. While they adventured across the island they collected many different kinds of fruits, vegetables, and meats. After their two day expedition throughout the island they prepared the foods and started eating their feast. Towards the end of their meal some unfriendly natives attacked the men but they were able to quickly board their dinghy and return to the Nautilus without injury. As the Captain had promised the ship was of the reef the next day and continued on its voyage. After a few weeks of smooth sailing Captain Nemo called for Monsieur and told him that he, Ned, and Conseil would have to go to their rooms and stay there until they were informed they could once again freely roam the ship. Not wanting to cause and trouble the three men did as they were told. They were all curious of what was happening and they were lulled to sleep contemplating what could be going on. Monsieur was rudely awoken in the early hours of the morning by the Captain, who told him that he must come to the crews quarters at once. When the Monsieur arrived there following the Captain he found a grotesque sight before him. Lying in one of the hammocks was one of the crew. He had a horrible wound on his head that had broken his skull and out of the wound oozed the mans blood down upon his hair and face. The Captain asked if Monsieur could in any way help the man but Monsieur grimly replied that the mans life would be over within a day. .u9b8db1cdb216864b7d8b22174cf7be13 , .u9b8db1cdb216864b7d8b22174cf7be13 .postImageUrl , .u9b8db1cdb216864b7d8b22174cf7be13 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9b8db1cdb216864b7d8b22174cf7be13 , .u9b8db1cdb216864b7d8b22174cf7be13:hover , .u9b8db1cdb216864b7d8b22174cf7be13:visited , .u9b8db1cdb216864b7d8b22174cf7be13:active { border:0!important; } .u9b8db1cdb216864b7d8b22174cf7be13 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9b8db1cdb216864b7d8b22174cf7be13 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9b8db1cdb216864b7d8b22174cf7be13:active , .u9b8db1cdb216864b7d8b22174cf7be13:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9b8db1cdb216864b7d8b22174cf7be13 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9b8db1cdb216864b7d8b22174cf7be13 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9b8db1cdb216864b7d8b22174cf7be13 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9b8db1cdb216864b7d8b22174cf7be13 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9b8db1cdb216864b7d8b22174cf7be13:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9b8db1cdb216864b7d8b22174cf7be13 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9b8db1cdb216864b7d8b22174cf7be13 .u9b8db1cdb216864b7d8b22174cf7be13-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9b8db1cdb216864b7d8b22174cf7be13:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Meeting Scene Romeo and Juliet VS Gnomeo and Juliet EssayThe next day there was another expedition and Ned also went with the group. There were six other crew members that also came on this adventure. The group walked for a good two ours until they came to a small arch. The Captain walked underneath it and the rest followed suit. He led the way into a kind of underground room. Monsieur soon realized that it was actually an underwater graveyard. Here they buried the man that had died and placed a small headstone with engravings in a foreign language. After the burial was done everyone returned to the sub, but never again was anyone to mention expedition. Bibliography:

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Greek and Athenian Concept of the World free essay sample

This paper explores the ancient Greek and Athenian concept of the world order and the conception of the human scrutinizing of previous societal, bodily and philosophical inquiry. This paper examines the classic Greeks and Athenian view on the world around them. It describes the concept of the body, mind and inner self that lead to philosophical inquiry and questioning of the human mind and the resulting societies it created. Athens during the fifth century B.C. is often identified as one of the main sources of Western values and standards. Later Europeans and Americans regarded the Athenians as the originators of democracy, drama, representational or realistic art, history, philosophy, and science. At different times over the last 2,500 years they also attempted to imitate the Golden Age of classical Athens in everything from buildings to literature. Many U.S. state capitols and government buildings are modeled on the Parthenon or other temples. We will write a custom essay sample on The Greek and Athenian Concept of the World or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page We still divide drama into tragedy and comedy in the same way the Athenians did. During some historical periods, such as the Renaissance, thinkers and writers made conscious attempts to return to the classical ideals in all areas of life, combing the works of Athenians authors for previously overlooked material in the quest to draw guidance and learn everything possible from this unique flowering of culture.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Examining Mass Religious Suicide Religion Essays

Examining Mass Religious Suicide Religion Essays Examining Mass Religious Suicide Religion Essay Examining Mass Religious Suicide Religion Essay neer really saying the figure. Religious self-destruction is an action of taking one s life in the name of some kind spiritual, or sacredly associated, belief system. Equally shortly as Christian societies were formed, self-destruction was officially forbidden in them ( Durkheim,2006 ; p.292 ) . From ancient times suicide was really judged by faith and in no manner was tolerated. Evidence I came across was a penal countenance at the council of Prague in 563, which stated that people who decided to stop their life by self-destruction should be honored with no commemoration in the holy forfeit or the mass, and the vocalizing of Psalmss should non attach to their organic structures to the grave ( Durkheim,2006 ; p.292 ) . In the twenty-first century Orthodox, Catholics, Protestants ( these I am certain about ) are still non supportive of direct self-destruction. The significance of direct self-destruction is that a individual, consciously and being in stable mental status performs an act of hurt against himself. Christian traditions province that we do non hold the right to take away life that was given to us by God. Life is a gift of God and w e should appreciate that. Suicide is the cruelest signifier of slaying, due to the fact that the individual who committed self-destruction has no opportunity to remorse for the wickedness. The chief inquiry is how can somebody convert to religion, admit that God is the One who is responsible for our heartbeat- than turn their dorsums to God and unplug themselves? How can they bewray God in such manner? In Palmers book about self-destruction I found a subdivision called Myths about self-destruction . The 4th was that individuals perpetrating self-destruction are insane ( p.86 ) . Then the myth is busted by stating that people perpetrating self-destruction are normally normal . The grounds for self-destruction might be loneliness, hopelessness, weakness, deep letdown etc. What if 918 people commit self-destruction at the same clip? ( Jim Jones,1978 ) . Or 39 people kill themselves because they believe that they are go outing their human vass and will go to a gender non acknowledging starship after decease? ( Heaven s Gate, 1997 ) . Are these people merely lonely or badly depressed? Or possibly they are really non normal ? In my probe for the motive of spiritual self-destruction I searched through some lurid world-wide known events: People s Temple, Heaven s Gate, the most recent group called Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God and the inquiry of suicide poetries selflessness. Peoples s Temple The People s Temple is one of the most dramatic and well-known instance of mass spiritual self-destruction. On November 18, 1978 more than 900 people committed suicide. How a spiritual group came to that decision ? One does nt hold to delve deep to happen out the secrets of this organisation. Leader of the People s Temple was Jim Jones. This spiritual motion started when its leader made a really brilliant notice- spiritual miracles gain tonss of attending and money. Religion all in all might be a really profitable concern ( Greenberg, 1979 ) . Furthermore, by faith one may do people to follow him, by so fulfilling the demand for power and acknowledgment. Jim Jones has eventually become a metaphor, a symbol of power-hungry insanity ( Harrary, 1992 ) . In Shneidman s book The Suicidal Mind I found an analysis of Jim Jones personality. Louis West by utilizing Henry Murray s geographic expeditions in Personality and 12 demands trial evaluated Jim Jones. Out of 12 demands Jim Jones scored highest on aggression ( 12 points ) , defence ( 12 points ) , need for domination ( 12 points ) , need for attending ( 11 points ) , and turning away of shame ( 9 points ) . Interestingly in the demand for attending Jim scored the 2nd out of all presented historical people ( such as Adolph Hitler, Sigmund Freud, Vincent Van Gogh etc ) he was outscored in this demand merely by Marilyn Monroe ( 16 point ) . Some of the lowest demands were for apprehension, drama, and respect. The trial for basic demands gives us an penetration and does explicate a batch in Jones behaviour. So the creative activity of this spiritual domination did assist its leader to fulfill his basic demands for power every bit good as addition mercenary wellbeing. At first the People s Temple motion was mostly based on spiritual constructs ( mending, prays, wickednesss ) . However, the more the members of it became depended on its leader the more the motion stepped off from basic spiritual apprehension. Actually easy the God that was presented at first stepped off, and the leader of the motion Jim Jones took his topographic point. Get downing from false miracles, slippery ways of happening out information about people after on showing it as visions and weakling of household ties, it came to a point of no-escape society in which there was control over verbal look, cognitive and emotional control of the head, control of followings belongings and income ( Greenberg, 1979 ) was present. As the survived members of Peopless Temple subsequently on proclaimed they found: an unexpected sense of intent, as though they were going a portion of something inordinately important ( Harrary, 1992 ) . It turns out that for that sense of purpose Jones got to presume ultimate power over their lives ( Harrary, 1992 ) . One of the subsisters, Yolanda Williams, subsequently recalls: Although we were non shackled in ironss, our heads and Black Marias were non free, she said. Jim Jones used really slow, really seductive head control ( Carolyn, 2008 ) . Some beginnings province that Jones did drug up the participants of this motion, some province that they did hold self-destruction seek outs , others even mention that Jones was bisexual and made people watch his public intercourse both with females and males. Though the beginnings of this information seem dependable I am non certain that the instance of Jim Jones was that terrible. However, I believe that the adult male got paranoid with the thought of ultimate control. Furthermore, I do believe that he got to obsessive reading about how Stalin got people to obey him. Finally, it did made sense when aˆÂ ¦.. in his article stated that the concluding mass self-destruction, though it had some kind of message to the universe, was really the ultimate climax of power for Jones. Sadly plenty something that did get down as a faith and had some traditional elements entwined in it- finally became merely obsessional irresistible impulses of a really alone adult male. Queerly enough this adult male had his ain manner to take literally everything from people. At first people joined this motion for the interest of praying to God and functioning Him, finally they were naming Jones as their male parent and sacrificed their lives and their kids lives for him and his superb thought of directing an evolutionary message to the universe. Some subsisters province that People s Temple was the best thing that happened to them, others called it a calamity . Still there is one fact that no 1 can doubt or reason about- more than 900 people died that twenty-four hours, doing November 18 historical day of the month. Heaven s Gate If the old flooring mass self-destruction required logic for apprehension, the Heaven s Gate event requires one to turn the ability of imaginativeness. The figure of victims is much smaller, the media s attending was much less enthusiastic, less articles online, less reviews, less adept probe. However, this group decidedly stands out when compared to others- that by perpetrating self-destruction together at the right clip, they will go forth their containers ( organic structures ) behind. The psyche goes to kip until it is replanted in another container ( Robinson, 2009 ) . Thi belief led 39 people to perpetrate suicide get downing on 23 of March ( 10 people a twenty-four hours ) , 1997. The chief motive of the self-destruction was that The latter will be on-board a UFO infinite ship such as the 1 that they believe is presently hidden behind the Hale-Bopp comet ( Robinson, 2009 ) . They feared that the starship might go forth from its current location and the group will neglect to be on board, unless they take away their lives now. Analyzing the belief system one can understand why despite such unusual thoughts, mentioned above, the group was still called Christian. When it comes to the rudimentss of the faith this group did hold a batch in common with the traditional faiths, nevertheless they decided to spice it up a small. So alternatively of saying that God sent his Son Jesus to the Earth, this group goes like: He left his organic structure behind, transported to Earth in a space-ship, and incarnated ( moved into ) a human organic structure, that of Jesus Christ ( Robinson, 2009 ) . Basically the chief facets of Christianity are taken, and UFO s elements are someway entwined into that. Somehow reading about these groups the leaders are ever even more absorbing than the groups themselves. The leader of this group was Marshall Applewhite. Some of the elements of the group might be explained by how the group s leader understood the universe. Applewhite did acknowledge being homosexual, after his guidance and aˆzhealing aˆzprocess failed, he was truly defeated. He was a homosexual and a homophobe at the same clip. It is believed that his facet of his life led to the fact that the group members in Heaven s gate were gender-free, no sexual individuality, no sex. This is why they cropped their hair so short, abstained from sex, wore indistinguishable vesture upon decease, and the work forces were castrated ( Hornberger, 1997 ) . When the organic structures were found on the 27th of March, 1997 They dressed in unisex garments: amorphous black shirts with Mandarin neckbands, and black bloomerss ( Robinson, 2009 ) . This group had a strong connexion to the universe via cyberspace ; moreover they spent a batch of clip shooting their thoughts on tape on posting them online. FBI did shut the site after the incident, nevertheless, some followings reposted it and one can entree it now and track the rudimentss thoughts of the group belief system. The group was examined exhaustively by the sceptics, reviews and many more. The compulsion with the UFO was someway explained that this thought was popular in the late 90 s. Movies, Tv would be that all of the people who committed self-destruction had $ 5 measures, quarters ( 55? ) in their ownership upon decease ( is at that place a toll route to Heaven s Gate? ) ; the starship is 25 stat mis broad ; etc. At the clip of this composing the significance of this numerology is non clear ( Sceptic, 1997 ) . Hornberger states that one of the primary features of cults is the denial of world . He points out that Heaven s Gate did broaden the boundaries of that denial rather far. For them their action of taking away their ain lives was non really perpetrating suicide alternatively they embarked on an exciting, intergalactic infinite escapade . Motion for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God. So far we had a really a instance which required logical thought, another one where imaginativeness and tolerance had to take topographic point, now a cryptic instance surrounded with many contentions and arguments will be presented. I decided to non settle my research in Europe or USA, allow us go to Uganda. Motion for the Restoration of Ten Commandments of God was formed someplace in the late 80 s. This motion was celebrated for its highly rigorous followers of the 10 commandments of God. An illustration could that they refused to speak and used mark linguistic communication or notes in order non, even by accident, interrupt the 9 the commandment of God- Thou shalt non bear false informant against thy neighbour . This motion was instead unseeable in the universe until one twenty-four hours when more than 300 members ( subsequently on stated more than 900 ) of the motion locked themselves in the church and set the church on fire ( Santucci, 2000 ) . The motion started as one of its leader, one of the most of import 1s, Joseph Kibweteere, convinced people that he heard a conversation between the Virgin Mary and Jesus in 1987 foretelling the universe would be destroyed for non obeying the Ten Commandments ( Santucci, 2000 ) . This portion is clear and easy. However, why self-destructions took topographic point than? There is grounds that the leaders of the motion predicted the terminal of the universe on the December 31, 2000 ( Santucci, 2000 ) . After this notice the members of the group started to sell and donate their properties and ownerships. Some of the group members antecedently to the self-destruction indicated: All along they had said that this [ church ] is the boat of Noah ( Santucci, 2000 ) . However, the terminal of the universe did non go on and there are grounds that the church attendants demanded their money back from the leaders ; alternatively of money self-destruction was offered? There is one popular theory that this was non a self-destruction, but instead a mass slaying organized by the leaders of the motion. Subsequently on 153 organic structures were discovered in another compound belonging to the spiritual group in nearby Buhunga ( Robinson,2000 ) . Numbers do nt halt here: 155 organic structures were unearthed in a mass grave in a sugarcane field in Fr. Dominic Kataribabo s estate at Rugazi , Another 81 organic structures, including 44 kids were discovered on the farm of laic leader Joseph Nymurinda ( Robinson,2000 ) . The instance of decease in the found organic structures was hard to province ( toxicant, fighting was mentioned ) , though the organic structures were buried in one grave. Religious Tolerance organisation states that this instance is really hard analyze due to many obstructions some of which are- The country is far off the beaten path for intelligence gatherers , There are major cultural differences between newsmans and local citizens , Local forensic resources appear unequal to manage the probe . Till this twenty-four hours there is no 1 decision on which everyone would hold on. Some province that the leaders of the motion, when demanded to give back the money, killed the group members who demanded that. Others province that when the terminal of the universe did non go on the members of the motion decided to stop their lives anyways. I was believing that the group leaders may really convert them to perpetrate self-destruction, if they succeeded to convert them about the terminal of the universe. Due to the many factors which Uganda is confronting, the organic structures were non located immediately. The instance was closed without an official concluding study ; there were non adequate resources to do a trusty probe. The grounds that is presented in the articles may confront different reading. Mine was that more than 3oo people would non come in a church were the Windowss and doors are shut down, and do nil while they are being set on fire. Possibly this instance does non trul y exactly travel along with the subject ; nevertheless I thought this instance could non be left without attending and merely ignored. Commonalties It seems that all motions which led to a mass spiritual self-destruction have some facets in common. Some of which, I noticed, were a strong doctrine and reading of spiritual traditions. Either compulsively obeying the Ten Commandments or remaining pure and clean-no sex merely adopt kids ( Jim Jones ) , acts of emasculation ( Heaven s Gate ) . In add-on to that all motion had a talented leader who had a great sum of power over the group members. Furthermore, the leader seemed to hold some strong accomplishments in both public speech production and persuasion techniques. Jim Jones ( People Temple ) , who created miracles and had the power to convert people to follow his every universe. Marshall Applewhite ( Heaven s Gate ) , who came up with the thought of unisex people and the trip to spaceship- win in convincing in both. Joseph Kibweteere ( Movement for the Restoration of Ten Commandments of God ) , positive people that he had talked to Virgin Mary and she mentioned the terminal of the universe in 2000. The last two presentments seem to travel manus in manus with each other. Two of import facet for all group ends: distance of the group members from their household and taking control of groups mercenary ownerships. By insulating the group from its household members and friends the leader of the group illuminated any other beginning of information that the member could hold entree to. Finally all the members in all the groups had merely one strong, relentless and changeless beginning of information. The money issue was simple. The group leaders convinced the members to give and donate their money for the church to thrive. On the one manus people give away everything they have so no worries left. Their lone concern is the church now. On the other manus if a individual s gives off all his money for a belief system, so the doubting of that belief system decreases quickly. The component of self-destruction itself has different motive for all of the groups, tho ugh all groups, evidently, had that component in common. I believe its leaders initiative for the self-destruction to go on. First of all the political relations in the group were handled in a manner that the people had to obey, liberty was decidedly non praised in these communities. Peoples got used to follow, easy in all of these groups the thought of God was substituted with something. The message that life is the most superb gift from God was wiped off. The leader came up with the thought of self-destruction in the name of whatever, and the motion participants were so used to follow every word that even this thought was non questioned. Untitled I would wish to advert the construct of self-sacrifice in the name of the faith and how it differs from self-destruction. This portion of the universe is truly affected by the Soviet Union times. I wo nt advert all of the impacts merely the faith one. I somewhat different glimpse at the thought of giving your life off in the name of faith is offered. Soviet Union wanted its home grounds to be atheist by all agencies. In the first five old ages of the Soviet Union ( 1922-26 ) , 28 Russian Orthodox bishops and more than 1,200 priests were executed, and many others were persecuted ( US, Library of Congress ) . By the 1940s merely approximately 500 Russian Orthodox parishes were unfastened at that clip, compared with the estimated 54,000 that had existed before World War I ( US Library of Congress ) . Christians were wiped off from the Russian land? There are many narratives, even in our history books, were illustrations of true religion are presented. Peoples were forced to give away God, nevertheless many did non acknowledge to make that. They stayed faithful and refused to deny God s being, despite the fact that for these statements they were sent to working cantonments where most of them spent the last yearss of their lives in torment and hurting. Due to famishments and bad conditions their decease twenty-four hours appro ached much sooner than it should in normal conditions. There is no statistics for how many people really refused to accept godlessness and faced terrible effects for making that ( decease on the topographic point, life in prisons, in working cantonments ) . Can this be called mass spiritual self-destruction? Peoples knew that for their noncompliance they will confront decease in the nearest hereafter, nevertheless still went for it. There were instances when Christian took away their lives themselves in order non to give away other Christians. Is it self-sacrifice or suicide? Can these actions be called the biggest wickedness of the human being or is it the most extraordinary thing a human being can make in the name of faith? So is this simple self-destruction or an action of giving off the most cherished gift one has in order for the God s name to thrive? Decision No judgement was offered. The point was to demo how diverse this subject could be ; how many different apprehension and readings might be found. It seems that spiritual motions, slightly similar to those presented here, have really different motives when they are created. Some start as faiths dedicated to function Jesus, nevertheless, no 1 in the motion realizes or tracks how the figure of Jesus is substituted with some leader who is obsessed by power. It seems that people s religion sometimes is so blinded that they do nt truly recognize what is traveling on around them. And something that is supposed to convey joy and peace, and longer life ( it is believed that spiritual people live longer ) really turn out to be wholly the antonym. Or possibly all of the narratives presented here are merely the same as the last one? Possibly all those people did the extraordinary thing of giving their lives in the name of God? I believe God will make up ones mind. While the two chief American values are conflicting: the right to seek 1 s ain version of spiritual truth in whatever mode one chooses and the right to be free from coercion and use in the name of person else s version of spiritual truth ( USA today, 1992 ) I want to stop with God s message: You are the visible radiation of the worldaˆÂ ¦ , allow your light radiance before work forces, that they see your good workss and praise your Father in Eden ( Matthew, 5:14 ) . For I know the programs I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to thrive you and non to harm you, plans to give you hope and a hereafter ( Jeremiah 29:11 ) . This sounds like an invitation to populate a long life and avoid activities that would harm both flesh and psyche.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

French Civilization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

French Civilization - Essay Example There were movements from the east and into France due to food shortages as population increased, the new people brought in new cultures which instead of replacing existing cultures the two cultures were incorporated, Romans brought in major changes in the region which include writing. Industries also emerged which include tool making industries, weaving, pottery and milling The Chasseyan culture existed in the year 3800 BC to 2700 BC and this saw the transformation of people from predators to more settled farming and herding, the Seine Olsen Mane culture existed in the year 3500 to 1800 BC and is said to have originated from northern France and during these years it spread wide in the region, the bell beaker culture is said to have originated from Spain and was characterized by the decoration of utensils. Celts invaded the north in 725 BC and they brought in iron ploughs that helped boost agriculture, Celts also introduced hierarchical form of society where the social groups included warriors, tenants, clients and slaves. The Romans settled in Gaul and brought in major changes to existing cultures which include introduction of taxes, markets, officials, soldiers.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Bays by Rick Moody Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Bays by Rick Moody - Essay Example This set of teenage voices is heard from the very beginning of the story: â€Å"Boys enter the house, boys enter the house. Boys, and with them the ideas of boys (ideas leaden, reductive, inflexible), enter the house. Boys, two of them, wound into hospital packaging, boys with infant pattern baldness, slung in the arms of parents, boys dreaming of breasts, enter the house† (Moody, p. 196). On the one hand, it may seem that the story represents as set of actions taken by boys. There is a progress of a boy’s life: from his childhood to teenage years and adult years. â€Å"The boys enter the house† and this phrase becomes an integral element of the story. Relations between two brothers are rather challenging and it is interesting for the readers to follow the development of emotional and psychological inner worlds of the boys. Boys enter the house Moreover, the author manages to catch up the emotions of boys and transfers inner peculiarities of boys with the help of apt lexical expressions. There is a masterful transfer of the boys’ emotions. It can be seen on the example the boys change their attitude to their sister: from a cruel jockeying to sympathy. She is ill with cancer and it is very hard for them to support her. We can see the importance of imagery used by Rick Moody. His masterful technique is perfectly presented to the readers, because he manages to describe the whole life span of boys and finally â€Å"boys, no longer boys, exit† (Moody, p. 199). There is an interesting style of Moody and his language techniques, though simple, are appealing for the emotions of the readers. A simplistic and naturalistic narration of Moody can be compared with the manner of Hemingway’s manner of narration. Language is used by these writers for language. In reality, Moody shows to the reader the way a person is growing up, when a person is changing with the years and enters their house as another person. Boys in the process of th eir growing up are â€Å"ghostly afterimages of younger selves, fleeting images of sneakers dashing up a staircase; soggy towels on the floor of the bathroom; blue jeans coiled like asps in the basin of the washing machine† (Moody, p. 197). The only proof, which shows a writer’s transformation, is his usage of pronouns: at first, he uses â€Å"one† then he uses â€Å"you†. From a formal approach that represents vague relations among boys to a more tolerant approach, which describes definite relations among boys and their families? A sense of energy in human lives There is a sense of transformation and a spirit of energy and motion. It seems as if Moody follows the principle of successful story writing: from the very beginning the writers choose the theme they know and write about it from different points of view and thus these writers find out something new about a chosen topic in the process of their writing. Therefore, Moody wrote about the process more than about the consequences. For him a process of growing up is a process of an individual’s transformation, it is not a set of some static episodes; a process of growing up is a dynamical process and it is very interesting to focus on the ways this process happens and an individual is being subjected to inner transformations under the influence of the world or relations with other people. Rick Moody makes literary emphasis by using repetition. This technique implies the necessity to reiterate occurrence of some images. The characters of boys reflect both

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Crimean Crisis of 2014 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Crimean Crisis of 2014 - Case Study Example Consequently, under the justification of â€Å"responsibility to protect† the Russian minorities in the eastern and southern regions of Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin annexed Crimea in March, 2014 (Yuhas 2014). The Russian annexation of Crimea caused a massive stir on a global level and the action was condemned by majority of global leaders. The Crimean crisis has been considered as a significant global issue which has caused severe impact on relations between western world and Russia and their allies. Also, the crisis caused massive blow to economic stability in Ukraine and Russia. The clashes between the West and Russia through economic sanctions, energy politics, and political pressure have threatened the global stability and brought the world on the verge of Cold War II (Koshkin 2014). The causes of Crimean crisis can be traced in current global politics and contested perceptions of the state identity in Ukrainian society. The purpose of this case study is to investigate the Crimean crisis of 2014. By means of various researches and available reports, the paper will examine the root causes of crisis and its impact on various groups. The paper will also present potential solutions in order to abate the negative effects of the crisis. The Autonomous Republic of Crimea, internationally recognized as a part of Ukraine, is situated on a peninsula which has spread between the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea with Russian border to its east (BBC Monitoring 2014). In the late 2013, Ukrainian president Victor Yanukovych faced a choice when the country was moving towards economic crisis. He could select a long-term, but initially troublesome deal with the EU to boost trade and integration, or he could secure a $15 billion loan from Russia and join the Eurasian Customs Union of Russia, Kazakhstan, and Belarus (Woehrel 2014, p. 1-2). After continuous

Friday, November 15, 2019

History For Aircraft Investigation Aviation

History For Aircraft Investigation Aviation Flying is generally a safe and fast method of transportation, but accidents always happen whether through human error, mechanical failure, or criminal activity. Over the last two decades, there have been many fatal aircraft accidents per year worldwide. These, and lesser accidents, have to be investigated scientifically in order to gain important lessons about aircraft performance and safety. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) requires that a civil aircraft accident be investigated by an independent body belonging to the country where the accident took place. Each country has its own organization taking responsibility for this: in the United States, it is theNational Transportation Safety Board(NTSB); in the United Kingdom, it is the Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) and in Malaysia it is the Department of Civil Aviation. The purpose of the investigation is to find out why the accident happened and how similar events might be avoided in the future, rather than to apportion blame. The police will be involved in the investigation if sabotage or some other form of criminal activity is suspected, and the military generally looks into accidents involving service aircraft. My research is about the air disaster investigation procedure for Malaysia on the matter of the procedure step, incident statistic, comparison between the Malaysian investigation procedures with other region. History for aircraft investigation The procedures for air accident investigations were first laid down in 1928 by the US National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. They required air accident investigators to consider the immediate and underlying factors of an accident in order to establish and apportion blame for its occurrence. A credit system was put in place that weighted causal factors according to their overall culpability for example, an accident could be regarded 70% the result of pilot error and 30% the result of environmental factors.( New Zealand Air Line Pilots Association, 2009) In 1944 the Chicago Convention drafted a set of procedures and processes to govern the burgeoning international civil aviation industry. Included in these procedures were rules concerning the responsibilities of contracting states in the event of an aviation accident on their soil. These standards and recommended practices were developed by the Accident Investigation Division between February 1946 and February 1947, and were later designated as Annex 13 of the convention. The convention allowed states to generate their own rules for accident investigation, so as long as the core practices of Annex 13 were incorporated and investigative practices aligned with ICAO Doc 9620, the Manual of Aircraft Accident Investigation.( New Zealand Air Line Pilots Association, 2009) The primary focus of Annex 13 differed from that of the US National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics in 1928: it was no longer to find fault and apportion blame for an aircraft accident, but to provide a mechanism by which participants in the industry pilots, aircraft manufacturers and regulatory agencies could learn from their mistakes.( New Zealand Air Line Pilots Association, 2009) Accident Trend In recent years, progress and development in science and technology have made dramatic contributions to human society. However, these same development have given rise to many new type of dangers, and a massive increase in loses that would have been in conceivable in the past. (Masako Miyagi, 2005) This trend is by no means an indication of carelessness on the part of the individuals involved: rather, it could be considered an indication that the methods used to implement traditional safety measures in the past have reached a limit of effectiveness. This is because the most basic safety measures taken in the past were limited to reprimands and punishments targeting the person responsible for the accidents, and improvements to mechanical aspects stemming from the result of accident investigations. Such accident investigations placed an emphasis on technical analysis of events in accidents that had already occurred, and for this reason there is no question that they contributed to a sharing of important information regarding the mechanical aspects of these accidents, that this information was put to use in making improvements, and that significant results were archived through this process. (Masako Miyagi, 2005) Human beings are able to develop and increase their abilities to some extent through education and training. The fact remain, however, that it is extremely difficult to obtain the information on human aspects of accidents that would be required to implement such training, because the people most directly involved may have been killed in the accident, or may be reluctant to come forward for fear of being held responsible. There are definitive limitations to approach described above even if all the relevant information in obtained; namely that when studied are made into accident prevention measures based on accident investigations, the investigations can only begin after the accident has occurred. Furthermore, the improvement measure based on accident investigations will only be of value in preventing the re-occurrence of accidents that are identical to those on which the measures were originally based. (Masako Miyagi, 2005) Graf below showed that, by years to years, more accident happen because of human carelessness rather than mechanical failure. By times go by the percentage being increasing. Graft 1.1(Masako Miyagi) Boeing`s statistical summary There are several reliable sources of accident data. One of the most easily accessible accident databases is maintained by Boeing, which publishes an annual Statistical Summary of commercial Jet Airplane Accident. Another good sources document is the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Safety Board Record(Jet), also published annually.( Alexander T.Wells and Clarence C.Rodrigues, 2004) Hull losses were also analyzed according to the phase of flight in which they occurred (Graft 1.2). After the combined approach and lading phases, the next greatest numbers hull-loss accident occurred in the combined phases from landing through initial climb. Cruise, which accounts for about__ of flight time in a 1.5 hour flight, occasioned only 6% of hull-loss accidents.( Alexander T.Wells and Clarence C.Rodrigues, 2005) The summary also considered primary cause factor for commercial operations hull-loss accidents for the period 1990-1999(Graft1.3). For accidents with known causes, flight crew were considered the primary cause in most 67% over the 10 years periods.( Alexander T.Wells and Clarence C.Rodrigues, 2005) Graft 1.2 Phase of flight in hull-loss accident, all aircraft, worldwide commercial jet fleet (1990-1999) (Boieng commercial airplanes Group) Graft 1.3 Primary causes factors (as determined by the investigating authority) in hull-loss accidents, all aircraft, worldwide commercial Jet fleet(1990-1999)(Boeing Commercial Airplanes Group) Chart below showed about accident categorizes by airplane generation for the period 1990-1999 (Table 1.1). Most accidents occurred on landing, with 157 out of 385 for the 10-years period. Interestingly, most landing accident involved current generation aircraft. (Alexander T.Wells and Clarence C.Rodrigues, 2005) Type of incidentGeneration First Second Early Widebody Current total Controlled flight into terrain 5 17 3 11 36 Loss of control 8 7 2 12 30 Midair Collision 1 1 2 In-Flight fire 1 2 1 1 5 Fuel tank explosion 1 1 2 off end on landing 7 17 3 22 49 Off side on Landing 3 20 3 11 37 hard landing 3 15 5 32 55 Landed short 4 9 1 2 16 Gear collapse/fail/up 8 8 2 13 31 Ice/snow 3 3 6 Fuel management/exhaustion 2 4 1 7 Windshear 1 1 1 3 Takeoff configuration 1 1 1 3 Off side on takeoff 1 1 3 3 8 Runway Incursion vehicle/people 5 1 10 16 Wing strike 2 2 Engine Failure/Separation 3 2 4 1 10 Ground collision 2 2 6 10 Ground Crew injury 3 2 2 7 Boarding/deboarding 2 2 4 Turbulance fatality 1 1 1 3 Miscellaneous 1 2 2 3 8 Fire on ground 1 2 3 2 8 aircraft structure 2 2 2 6 Unknown 1 3 3 7 Refused take-off end 3 6 3 2 14 Total 54 134 49 148 385 Table 1.1 Accident categorizes by airplane generation for the period 1990-1999 (Alexander T.Wells and Clarence C.Rodrigues,2005) *Miscellaneous Accidents -Coffee Maker Explosion -Fuel spill -Instrument error -Hypoxia -Jet blast -Pilot incapacitated -Taxied across ditch -Window fail -Tailstrike/RTO -other (Alexander T.Wells and Clarence C.Rodrigues) Graft 1.4 Accident categorizes by airplane generation for the period 1990-1999 (Alexander T.Wells and Clarence C.Rodrigues) Generation Aircraft Type First Comet 4, 707/720,DC-8,CV-880/-990,Caravelle Second 727,trident VC-10,BAC 1-11,DC-9,737-100/200,F-28 Early widebody -100/-200/-300/SP, DC-10,L-1011,A300 Current MD-80,767,757,A310,Bae 146, A300-600, 737-300/-400/-500,F-100,A320/310/321, 747-400,MD-11,A340,MD-90,777,737NG,717 Table 1.2 Aircraft by generation (Alexander T.Wells and Clarence C.Rodrigues) Graft 1.5 Accident Categories by airplane generation, all accidents, worldwide commercial jet operations. (1990-1999).(Boeing Commercial Airplanes Group) 1.2 Problem definition The problem with the current situation is, even thought so many precaution have been make, but air disaster still happen. Is there any way to prevent this disaster to happen? Each country had theirs own investigation team. But after the investigation, still have some aircraft that crash and involve a mass casualty. This research will study about the limitation of the investigation body if there is an air crash or air disasters occur in or outside of the investigation body region. 1.3 Objectives of research The main objectives of this thesis are to make a research upon the investigation procedure and type of accident happen in Malaysia and throughout the world. These are several more objectives of the project: Compare the investigation procedure between America and Malaysia. To understand the concept of how the air disaster investigation procedure. To prove that aircraft investigation can reduce air disaster. Making a survey about the awareness of the investigation procedures. To know the party that involved in board of investigation rules and regulation in Malaysia 1.4 Research scope This thesis will go through the ICAO annex 13, Aircraft Investigation Procedure Manual and MCAR Part 12 to study the exact procedure of the Aircraft Investigation Procedures. Chapter 2: Literature Review 2.1 Introduction The Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation established the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) as a specialized aviation department within the United Nations. ICAO Annex 13 defines and directs requirements forAircraft Accident and Incident Investigationprocedures. As a result most nations or consortium of nations have some form of air regulating body which subsequently contains an investigation division. Unfortunately not all agencies are created equally and national differences exist which influencefactual results in accident investigation. Six areas have been presented as a hindrance to proper investigative techniques in a paper by Dr. Horacio A. Larrosa of the International Society of Air Safety Investigators (ISASI)Accident and Incident procedures in Argentina MO4131. Expertise and Experience Investigative Budgets Political and Religious Influence and Beliefs Nepotism and Cronyism Dedication and Desire National Pride or Prejudice 2.2 Internationally Respected Players 2.2.1 National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) The National Transportation Safety Board is an independent federal agency charged with determining the probable cause of transportation accidents and promoting transportation safety, and assisting victims of transportation accidents and their families. The NTSB investigates accidents, conducts safety studies, evaluates the effectiveness of other government agencies programs for preventing transportation accidents, and reviews the appeals of enforcement actions involving aviation and mariner certificates issued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG), as well as the appeals of civil penalty actions taken by the FAA.(NTSB,2002) To help prevent accidents, the NTSB develops safety recommendations based on our investigations and studies. These are issued to federal, state, and local government agencies and to industry and other organizations in a position to improve transportation safety. Recommendations are the focal point of the NTSBs efforts to improve the safety of the nations transportation system. (NTSB,2002) NTSB Mission: To promote transportation safety by maintaining our congressionally mandated independence and objectivity; conducting objective, precise accident investigations and safety studies; performing fair and objective airman and mariner certification appeals; and advocating and promoting safety recommendation. And to assist victims of transportation accidents and their families. 2.2.2 European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) European Aviation Safety Agency has been the cornerstone of the European Unions aviation safety programs for years; however, accident investigation has been the jurisdiction of each individual member state. In 2009 the EU outlinedthe requirementsto establish a â€Å"better and more uniform quality of accident investigations across the EU.† It will establish the rules for accident investigation for all states controlled by a central EU body in the near future. (EASA,2011) The EASA has become the competent Community Aviation Authority for the safety of aviation underBasic Regulation 1592/2002; thus, it may be the recipient of safety recommendations related to the areas of its responsibilities. Furthermore, ICAO Annex 13 provides that the State of Design and the State of Manufacture shall each be entitled to appoint an accredited representative because of the function that have been attributed to each of those States with respect to the airworthiness of aircraft under Annex 8. Therefore, as the EASA is now in charge of the airworthiness, is shall be represented in Safety investigation in order to fulfil its obligation.(EASA,2011) Under both, international and community law, all safety recommendations must be taken into full consideration by the entity to which they are addressed. In addition, in the preamble of theBasic Regulation 1592/2002it is stated that the results of the accident investigations should be acted upon by the EASA, as a matter of urgency in particular when, they relate to defective aircraft design or operational matters. ( EASA,2011) To successfully discharge its responsibilities in this area, the EASA has included in its organ gram an Accident Investigation Section. It is responsible for the follow-up of occurrences where the Safety has been endangered. (EASA,2011) Its main devoted tasks are: To follow the progress of aircraft accidents and incidents investigations, To be represented in investigations and collect information related to occurrences, To achieve the processing of Safety Recommendations addressed to the Agency, To provide progress reports and statistics on the Safety Recommendations processing, To maintain a good coordination with European Accident Investigation Bodies, To identify safety deficiencies and disseminate related information. 2.2.3 The European Three (E3) The European Three are combination of the safety bureau in Europe, there are the Air Accidents Investigation Branch ( AAIB) of England, French Air Accident Investigation Bureau ( BEA France) and Aircraft Accident Investigation Bureau (AAIB Switzerland) are recognized as world leaders in several accident investigation areas. Not only do they aid nations of the EU in investigations but also non EU nations that have accidents involving aircraft manufactured in Europe, European registered aircraft, accidents occurring in any nation that was a colony of one of the EU member states and any nations requesting help. 2.2.4 Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) Australian Transport Safety Bureau has gained a reputation as Oceana and Asias air accident investigating body. They are investigators in most of the small island nations of the South and Central Pacific or whenever requested by other nations. Australias development as a nation through the twentieth century was closely linked to the development of the aviation industry. This industry has helped us overcome vast internal distances and geographical isolation from the rest of the world.(ATSB, 2011) The ATSB is responsible for the independent investigation of accidents and incidents involving civil aircraft in Australia. The ATSBs primary focus for its investigations is fare-paying passenger operations. However, all accidents and incidents related to flight safety in Australia or involving Australian registered aircraft overseas must be reported to the ATSB. While the ATSB does not investigate all of these, it still needs to be notified so that the data can be recorded for possible future safety research and analysis. (ATSB,2011) 2.2.5 Transportation Safety Board of Canada The Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board (TSB) has emerged as the leader in South and Central America. Similar to Australia the small population nation that is home to ICAO, works in close coordination with the larger NTSB in the USA. However, viewed as an alternative to Washington many Latin American nations work directly with Canada out of desire, security or necessity.(TSB, 2010) Summaries Most nations have the required ICAO investigative agencies but the variations between countries are still very strong. The positive factor for international accident investigation is that many investigators within these nations are willing to call upon each other and aid their work. Working together in the vast majority of air accidents, the public has a good chance of obtaining the truth about accidents within their borders. 2.3 Definition: Before going through a little further, these are some definition that being use in the investigation for any accident or incident that happen. All definition are taken from ICAO , 2001, Annex 13, MCAR part 12 and NTSB 2002, Aircraft accident Investigation Manual. 2.3.1 Aircraft Accident An occurrence associated with the operation of an aircraft which takes place between the time any person boards the aircraft with the intention of flight until such time as all such persons have disembarked, in which a person is fatally or seriously injured as a result of being in the aircraft or direct contact with any part of the aircraft, including parts which have become detached from the aircraft, or direct exposure to jet blast. The aircraft sustains damage or structural failure which is adversely affects the structural strength, performance or flight characteristics of the aircraft, or the aircraft is missing or is completely inaccessible. 2.3.2 Aircraft Incident An occurrence, other than an accident, associated with the operation of an aircraft which affects or could affect the safety of operation. Serious incident An incident involving circumstances indicating that an accident nearly occurred. 2.3.3 Investigation A process conducted for the purpose of accident prevention which includes the gathering and analysis of information, the drawing of conclusions, including the determination of causes and, when appropriate, the making of safety recommendations. 2.3.4 Investigator in charge A person charged, on the basis of his or her qualifications, with the responsibility for the organization, conduct and control of an investigation. 2.3.5 Chief Inspector The Chief inspector of Air Accidents and includes any deputy chief inspector; 2.3.6 Inspector Aperson appointed as an Inspector of Air Accidents 2.3.7 Field Investigation An investigation which is not intended to be the subject of a report by an Inspector to the Minister. 2.3.8 Formal Investigation An investigation which is intended tobe the subject of a report by an Inspector to the Minister. 2.3.9 Serious Injury An injury which is sustained by a person in a reportable accident and which: Requires his stay in hospital for more than forty-eight hours commencing within seven days from the date on which the injury is received results in a fracture of any bone except simple fractures of fingers, toes or nose. involves lacerations which cause severe nerve, muscle or tendon damage involves injury to any internal organ; or involves second or third degree burns or any burns affecting more than five per centum of the surface of the body. 2.3.10 Aircraft. Any machine that can derive support in the atmosphere from the reactions of the air other than the reactions of the air against the earths surface. 2.3.11 Causes. Actions, omissions, events, conditions, or a combination thereof, which led to the accident or incident. 2.3.12 Flight recorder. Any type of recorder installed in the aircraft for the purpose of complementing accident/incident investigation. 2.3.13 Maximum mass. Maximum certificated take-off mass. 2.3.14 Operator. A person, organization or enterprise engaged in or offering to engage in an aircraft operation 2.3.15 Preliminary Report. The communication used for the prompt dissemination of data obtained during the early stages of the investigation. 2.3.16 Safety recommendation. A proposal of the accident investigation authority of the State conducting the investigation, based on information derived from the investigation, made with the intention of preventing accidents or incidents. 2.3.17 State of Design. The State having jurisdiction over the organization responsible for the type design 2.3.18 State of Manufacture. The State having jurisdiction over the organization responsible for the final assembly of the aircraft 2.3.19 State of Occurrence. The State in the territory of which an accident or incident occurs. 2.3.20 State of the Operator. The State in which the operators principal place of business is located or, if there is no such place of business, the operators permanent residence. 2.3.21 State of Registry. The State on whose register the aircraft is entered. 2.4 Investigation Responsibility for Instituting and Conducting the investigation.( ICAO , 2001) 2.4.1 Accidents or incidents in the territory of a contracting state. State of Occurrence The State of Occurrence shall institute an investigation into the circumstances of the accident and be responsible for the conduct of the investigation, but it may delegate the whole or any part of the conducting of such investigation to another State by mutual arrangement and