Thursday, November 21, 2019

French Civilization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

French Civilization - Essay Example There were movements from the east and into France due to food shortages as population increased, the new people brought in new cultures which instead of replacing existing cultures the two cultures were incorporated, Romans brought in major changes in the region which include writing. Industries also emerged which include tool making industries, weaving, pottery and milling The Chasseyan culture existed in the year 3800 BC to 2700 BC and this saw the transformation of people from predators to more settled farming and herding, the Seine Olsen Mane culture existed in the year 3500 to 1800 BC and is said to have originated from northern France and during these years it spread wide in the region, the bell beaker culture is said to have originated from Spain and was characterized by the decoration of utensils. Celts invaded the north in 725 BC and they brought in iron ploughs that helped boost agriculture, Celts also introduced hierarchical form of society where the social groups included warriors, tenants, clients and slaves. The Romans settled in Gaul and brought in major changes to existing cultures which include introduction of taxes, markets, officials, soldiers.

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