Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Tivo free essay sample

According to Keast, â€Å"there is a mystery in the sharp contrast between the inertia of prospects and the evangelical zeal of TiVo users. † As an emerging expert in consumer behavior how would you tackle that mystery? What do you think could be going on? Beyond your pet hypothesis, try to be creative and list a large number of conflicting hypotheses by taking multiple points of view. What might â€Å"evangelists† mention as a cause of their failure to sell TiVo to their friends? What might a â€Å"couch potato† say about his reluctance to buy TiVo? What would you expect a top executive at NBC to say about the situation? What explanation would the founder of TiVo love to hear? Hate to hear? 2. Now look at the data in the case exhibits. What hypotheses get supported, what hypotheses get discounted? What other insight(s) do you directly derive from the data summarized in the text and presented in the exhibits that might help to guide the growth of TiVo? 3. We will write a custom essay sample on Tivo or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page TiVo is a new technological company and the management’s approach to research and insight has gradually evolved over time. What have been the different stages in their exploratory journey? What conclusion is this journey converging to? If you could time-travel to the early hours of the company, what would your advice to Keast be in terms of the research they should be conducting (the type of insight they should be looking for) at the outset for a more effective launch? Ans 1 According to Keast, â€Å"there is a mystery in the sharp contrast between the inertia of prospects and the evangelical zeal of TiVo users. † As an emerging expert in consumer behavior, how would you tackle that mystery? What do you think could be going on? Beyond your top hypothesis, try to be creative and list a set of conflicting hypotheses by taking multiple points of view. So let us first look at the role of consumers and consumer behavior in the realm of purchasing a product. Consumer behavior encompasses such a vast array of elements that need to be identified, quantified and specifically evaluated per each product or service needs. The most intriguing element of consumer behavior I believe is the psychology behind why a person buys a product and why another person doesn’t buy that same product. According to Kotler and Keller in Chapter Five of a Frame work for Marketing Management,† in essence, marketers must understand the â€Å"theory and reality† of the consumer in regards to their buying actions. A very interesting fact that Kotler and Keller point out from their reference of Schiffman and Kanuk’s Consumer Behavior 9th edition, is that the consumer is influenced by â€Å"cultural, social, and personal factors. †    Culture, the way you were raised, your values and ideas about how to spend your money and what to spend it on, materialism, â€Å"keeping up with the joneses,† etc. Not to downplay social factors, but I feel the next most notable influence in consumer behavior is personal factors, especially â€Å"age and stage in the life cycle.    My hypotheses are that age and transformation/transitions in life play a major role in adopting a new product when that product gets introduced. What I deduce is that if a technology advanced consumer product gets introduced to someone from that were in their early twenties to early thirties then they are more easily influenced by the product if that product increases their pleasurably and saves them time to en gage in other interests and assists in maintaining an active lifestyle, in addition, in the late 90’s early 2000’s these people already grew up on MTV, Sport’s Channel, HBO, etc. TV is important to them and they are willing to spend money not only on going out to bars and restaurants, but they are willing to spend a little extra money to ease their mind that when they go out for a social event they won’t miss their favorite episode of Greys Anatomy, Private Practice, or a playoff game because their girlfriend wants to out to dinner, etc. To support my hypothesis if you look at the ? TiVo case, written by Luc Wathieu, exhibit 5, showed demographics supplied from a study from Equifax Consumer Services that tracked subscriber demographics, and showed that the largest age group that were subscribers were 25-34. specially if it a new product in determining the other consumer behavior influences, This is true especially when you look at social classes, because they share similar interests and purchasing behaviors. I, like Kotler and Keller feel that â€Å"culture† is the most fundamentally determines they way consumers react and what they desire. the most the key fundamental Another interesting aspect is when a person becomes so enthusiastic about a particular product and becomes such an advocate of the product that they try to influence the people around them to jump on the bandwagon and buy the product. Now looking a bit into social factors, we are all influenced by our social networks and family, even though we may not want to admit it. I look at my sister who moved out of my Non-Tivo, DVR household, three years ago at the age of 32, one of the first thing’s she did was hook up her cable and subscribe to DVR service. Then, my daughter who is 22, after visiting my sister and seeing the flexibility of not missing your favorite television programs due to school or work, decided the first thing she would do is subscribe to a DVR service in Los Angeles, to avoid missing her favorite programming due to law school interference. Skeptics are skeptics because they never had Tivo in the past and have done just fine. They don’t understand why they need to pay more to watch the same shows that they have been watching. Once you try tivo out youll understand that it opens up a new world of options that may not be necessary to your life but are there to make it easier. Some people don’t care that much about which shows their watching as long as something is always on. For instance, if you like CNN and those types of shows you’re not going to want/need a tivo because that is only news 24/7 and you wouldn’t want to tape news because then its old.

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