Friday, May 15, 2020

Drug Resistant And The Abuse Of Antibiotics - 813 Words

Have you ever been to the doctor for the seasonal flu and walked out of the clinic with a prescription for antibiotics? I have. Actually, some of us, including me, become very upset if the doctor fails to prescribe antibiotics for us. Since the discovery of antibiotics, they have become the miracle treatment for all types of infections, specific and non-specific. Even though antibiotics are only effective when treating bacterial infection, many seek them for viral infections such as the common cold, etc. Hence, this reckless practice has inadvertently contributed to the rising trend in drug-resistance microbes, AKA Superbugs. This is a twofold problem; in that, drug-resistant superbugs and the abuse of antibiotics are both major health concerns. However, for the purpose of this public health problem statement, I will focus on the increasing threat of drug-resistant organisms from the abuse of antibiotics. More so, I shall address what should be occurring in this current health problem, what is currently occurring, and health disparities relating to it, if nothing is done. There are misguided beliefs and expectations associated with lack of awareness of the dangers of antibiotics use. ¹ Unlike the natural antibiotics of fungi and bacteria, most artificially synthesized antibiotics are broad-spectrum. Broad-spectrum antibiotics are capable of killing both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, while narrow-spectrum or natural antibiotics target only a specific gram-typeShow MoreRelatedIt is Time to go Anti-Antibiotics1200 Words   |  5 Pages Antibiotics are one of the greatest advancements in medical history; the saviour of those suffering from everything from the bubonic plague, to sexually transmitted infections. It is clear that these drugs are necessary to treat many diseases†¦but the common cold? 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But just when antibiotics were being mass produced, bacteria started to evolve and became resistant to these medicinesRead MoreAntibiotic Resistance And Its Effects On The World s Most Worrisome Health Issues Essay1053 Words   |  5 PagesAntibiotic resistance Antibiotic resistance or superbugs is / are global issues. They might not be as much of a problem now but they can wipe out thousands of people with a snap of the fingers. I think we can fight the superbugs by not abusing drug use and not giving drugs to animals that we eat. Superbugs are a certain type of bacteria that is immune to all medicine that you throw at it and can be very deadly. Antibiotic resistance is one of the world s most worrisome health issues. Improper useRead MoreCan We Win The War Against Superbug Antibiotic Resistance?1654 Words   |  7 PagesResearch Project: Can We Win the War Against Superbug Antibiotic Resistance? 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With antibioti cs the bacteriaRead MoreEssay on The Discovery of Penicillin897 Words   |  4 Pagesprobably die because they can’t cure the infection. Before, there were some antibiotics that could help with diseases but couldn’t get rid of them completely. People had a shorter lifespan before the discovery of penicillin. For a while bacterial infections were the main cause of death in the human race. People died from syphilis, gonorrhea, diphtheria, scarlet fever, and even childbirth because they didn’t have a good enough antibiotic. You could also die from surgical infections, so you could’ve alreadyRead MoreThe Importance Of Antibiotic Resistance998 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction Antibiotic resistance is one of the greatest threats to global health, food security and development today, it occurs naturally, but the pace of its process speeds up its abuse when given to humans and animals and it can harm anyone regardless of age and country of residence (Laxminarayan, et al.2013). According to World Health Organization (WHO), there are 700,000 people death every year because of antibiotic resistance (WHO,2016). A study by the Public Health Foundation in England

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